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  • Once Upon a Time

    Once upon a time, there lived a young lady who loved to write stories. Her imagination ran wild as she pulled weeds, rode her bike, or did her homework. Sometimes she tried to share her stories with others, and she was disappointed to find some detractors amongst her audience.

    As time went on, she held on to the negative words and stopped sharing her stories, although her imagination never stopped working. She settled into life as an adult, letting stories and characters run around in her brain while she mowed the lawn or baked cupcakes. However, she never shared them.

    Years passed until she shared a few journaled thoughts with a friend, then a chapter of a story with another friend. Their responses were overwhelmingly kind and supportive, giving her courage to share more.

    Just like it took courage to climb a (short) mountain, giving me the view seen in the photo on the homepage, it also takes courage to share my stories. I want to honor the lessons I have learned throughout my adolescence and adulthood by using stories to share love.

    I’m not quite gutsy enough to share my stories under my real name, so I chose a pseudonym. I’ll tell you that story sometime, too. For now, I intend to share both my original fictional tales as well as more personal reflections on occasion.

    Thus is born “Neave Bailey Writes” – an adventure in courage and love.